Just imagine you could reduce the need to pull weeds, fertilize, and water your Central Florida landscape and garden. Organic mulch creates a type of blanket over your plants.

This blanket protects your plants and their roots from the blistering sun, the soil from drying winds, and the thousands of weed seeds that end up in your yard when your neighbors mow their lawn. That is if you choose the right mulch!

With so many types of mulch on the market and so many places to purchase mulch, it can be somewhat overwhelming.

When you purchase organic bulk mulch or gravel from Reliable Peat, you’ll be getting the best deal in town!

The Advantages of Organic Mulch

Organic mulch suppresses weeds

Organic mulch keeps the soil shaded and cool. Even when it’s 100 degrees outside! This also prevents sunlight from getting from the soil, which stops most weed seed from germinating.

Adds vital organic matter to the soil 

As organic mulch breaks down, it adds vital organic matter to the soil. The soil’s macro and micro organisms pull down the organic matter back down after they come to the surface to eat.

Reduce watering 

Organic mulch keeps the soil moist, and reduces evaporation. This means you won’t have to water your plants as often.

Though you can purchase bagged mulch just about anywhere nowadays, it is important to purchase quality mulch from a reputable business. Unfortunately, some of them can be more harmful than beneficial because they contain contaminants and weed seeds. The last thing you want is to put toxins on your fruit or vegetables.

Poor quality mulch can create more work for you in the long run. The easiest way to buy mulch is at a specific mulch and soil dealer who will deliver it to your home. Not only is this more convenient it can save you tons of time and money!

Whether it is a simple landscaping project or a major overhaul, purchasing organic mulch and rocks in bulk is easy and affordable. Contact Reliable Peat with any questions. Take advantage of our Summer special, for a limited time Reliable Peat is offering 10% off all bulk orders over 6 yards, just mention this blog before checking out.

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