Decorative stone, rocks, and organic bark mulch are used a used in a variety of ways in Central Florida landscapes to create a cohesive and fresh look. Because rocks and stones come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors, there is a multitude of uses.

Landscape stones look amazing, they also provide similar benefits as organic bark mulch. Decorative rocks are so popular because they are extremely low maintenance and have great aesthetic benefits. But installing rocks can be a little tricky, here is an easy guide.

Measuring the amount of rocks or stones you will need

Alabama Marble ChipsThe first step is to assess how much you will need for the project. Measure the space you intend to cover with stones. You can draw it out or give Reliable Peat a call with the exact measurements and we will be happy to help you figure out how much you will need. We can also help you select the right color and shape rock, and even deliver them to your home.

Create a perimeter

Decide on an area you want us to drop off the rock. It should be an area close to where you will be applying the rock, this will make it easier. Creating a type of perimeter for your project will help keep the rocks contained.

Landscape fabric

Don’t skip the important step of removing existing weeds before applying fresh mulch. While mulch is considered a great chemical free weed suppressant, you will have much better luck by removing weeds prior to laying down mulch.

According to HGTV, placing landscape fabric or plastic underneath organic mulch may keep your plants from reaping the benefits. “If you use an organic mulch that will break down, like shredded hardwood bark, avoid landscape fabric because you want the mulch to be in contact with the soil to improve it, Day says. Plastic or landscape fabric could prevent water and rain from reaching the soil, and actually could increase runoff. Weeds also could grow into the landscape fabric, she adds.

Rocks can get pretty heavy if you are planning on picking them up yourself, which is why Reliable Peat will deliver your mulch to your home.  Save all the hassle and make your landscape project easier, by contacting Reliable Peat.

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