If you like your Central Florida landscape and garden looking good and free of weeds, it can seem impossible. Weeds seem to just pop up overnight.

While you may never be free of weeds, but Mother Earth News reveals four ways to keep weeds in control.

Custom Potting Soils from Reliable PeatNever till or otherwise disturb the soil. Dormant weed seeds stay asleep, away from light and air.

Designate permanent areas for walking and planting. Avoid compaction and the need for tillage.

Maintain a thin mulch of weed-free organic material. Snuff out any weed seeds that blow in or are dropped into the garden by birds

Use drip irrigation. Whenever watering is called for, avoid watering with a hose to avoid promoting weed growth in paths and between widely spaced plants.

Organic Mulch

Weedless gardening with organic mulch, also simplifies fertilization. As mulch slowly and continuously decomposes, it releases valuable nutrients plants need. This is why it is important to use the right mulch.

Choosing the right mulch is just as important as where it comes from. Mulch from a local supplier will ensure its quality and freshness. You never know just how long mulch has been sitting in that bag at a big box store, or if there is anything else in it, such as chemicals or construction waste.

When you walk up to a pile of mulch, you should be able to  clearly see and even smell the quality. Bulk mulch from Reliable Peat offers the best quality, a premium not often found in bag mulch from big box stores. If you have any doubts, just stop by our shop located at  26744 CR 33 Groveland, FL 34736,and look for yourself. Or give us a call Local: 352-326-5432 or Toll Free: 800-428-0101.

Do you need help selecting what products or how much material you’ll need for your next project?

Here at Reliable Peat, one of our friendly and helpful customer service representatives is always waiting to help you with all your questions, and help you complete that landscape project of your dreams.

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