Gardening and landscaping in Central Florida requires care, knowledge, and a lot of patients.
One of the more important choices a homeowner can make is to use mulch and what type of mulch to use.
At Reliable Peat, we understand the secrets to a great looking landscaping and a beautiful garden in Central Florida. Mulch is definitely a game changer when it comes to healthy plants. It is also safe for little hands.
Moisture Retention: Hydrate Thirsty Roots
Moisture retention is very important in our climate. The secret to keeping your plants happy is hydrated soil. Mulch keeps moisture from evaporating and can make the difference between a lush looking landscape and a parched appearance
Nourishing The Soil: Unseen Foundation For Healthy Plants
As organic bark mulch decomposes, it adds beneficial nutrients into the soil. Giving your plants a constant supply of nitrogen, magnesium calcium, potassium, and other nutrients that are essential for plant health. The process also invites a multitude of beneficial organisms, that provides nutrients and aerate the soil. Resulting in a foundation that is nutrient rich and improves the health of plants from the ground up.
The Silent Defender: Weed Suppression
Most gardeners love the fact that mulch has the ability to suppress weeds. By blocking the sunlight, most weeds don’t stand a chance to germinate, saving you a ton of time weeding. Mulch is a natural defender against weeds
Nature’s Blanket: Regulates The Temperature Of The Soil
Mulch insulates the soil, protecting the roots from the cold nights and scorching heat of the summer. Plants are able to thrive in this stable environment.
The Finishing Aesthetic Touch
Mulch elevates the look of your garden and landscape. Adding the polished visual appeal.
Mulch Plays An Important Role In A Florida Friendly Landscape
Not only does it reduce the amount of water, pesticides, fertilizer and maintenance, purchasing mulch in bulk is a cost effective way to beautify your yard.
Save Money On Quality Mulch In Bulk
Buying in bulk is also better for the environment. It would take 140 bags just to cover 10 yards of mulch. That’s 140 bags you have to carry, heavy plastic to cut open, empty, and then having to dispose of all those bags.
At Reliable Peat we sell quality landscaping supplies, we know where the product comes from, and can help decide which type of mulch is best for your project. Contact us today for more information.