With so many of us spending more time at home, It is a great time to get outside and work on the landscape, but you need mulch. Should you go to the store and buy a bunch of bags or call up Reliable Peat and have them deliver it to your home? 

Many people never really give it much thought, they go to their local big box or hardware store to purchase mulch. Never realizing there is a better option.  

Your local mulch supplier, Reliable Peat, provides Central Florida residents with fresh landscape mulch in bulk. 

Why purchase mulch in bulk rather than bags?

Quality of Mulch

Quality is very difficult to determine when mulch is in a bag. You don’t know how long they have been stored in a warehouse. It is not uncommon for bagged mulch to be stacked and left sitting for years before they are sent to stores to be sold. You never know exactly what is in the bag, behind all the writing and branding on the bag. Also, many are unaware of the chemicals, toxins, and construction debris that can end up in bagged mulch. 

The bulk mulch at Reliable Peat, you can see exactly what you get. Fresh mulch, no contaminants, and full of nutrients.

Cost of Mulch 

Even on sale, bagged mulch comes at a premium. The mark up of the product, labor, packaging, and the cost of storage, adds up. Instead, cut out the middleman and buy directly from the source. Bulk mulch is definitely the economical choice.

Convenience of Bulk Mulch

It can be a challenge to purchase several bags of mulch, especially if you don’t have a truck. Not only do you have to haul the bags from the store to your car, then to your house, you also usually need to make several trips! Or you can save all the hassle and make your landscape project easier, by contacting Reliable Peat. We can deliver mulch to your home, saving you time and money. 

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