While mulching may not be on the top of your to do list for the New Year here in Central Florida, it should be. Mulching in the winter months in Central Florida has many benefits that will facilitate your landscape and garden this spring.

Weed control

Applying mulch in your landscape and garden during the cooler months will help prevent weeds from growing when the warmer weather starts to set in. Mulch around plants and walkways will significantly reduce the amount of weeds you will have deal with later this spring.

Pest control

A layer of three inches of mulch around the base of trees and plants will reduce the number of pests and insects that reach you plants. Central Florida has many species insects the in the soil. A layer of mulch can impede them climbing the stalks of your plants and eating the leaves and flowers.

Moisture retention

Typically the cooler months are a drier time, mulch will help retain moisture. Preventing water from evaporating and keeping the soil moist.

Improve soil structure

As organic mulch breaks down, it adds vital nutrients and organic matter into the soil, improving the soil structure. Which is important for plants establishing roots, allows water and air to penetrate the ground, and enhances drainage.

Maintain the temperature of the soil

Mulch also insulates the soil, moderating the temperature of the soil. Mulch keeps the soil warmer during the cooler months and cooler during the hot months.

Aesthetic appeal

Organic mulch gives your home that manicured look. It is also great for creating walkways and paths for an aesthetically pleasing and eye appealing appearance

It is important to remember to purchase a quality mulch.  Those bags found at many big box stores have weed seeds and/or hazardous chemicals, that end up causing you more work and contaminate your soil.

As a leader in the mulching industry in Central Florida, Reliable Peat sells a variety of mulches and soil to both residential homeowners and commercial landscapers. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about mulch or soil.  Don’t miss out on our Winter special, if you purchase a bulk order over 6 yards you can save 10%, just mention this blog before you check out.


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