It is really worth investing time and money to add organic mulch or rocks to your Central Florida landscape and garden? The answer, is definitely Yes! 

Top 5 Reasons Why Mulch Is A Good Investment 

1. According to a study by Kansas State University, mulch can almost double how fast a tree can grow, compared to one grown in grass. Organic mulch is also fairly easy to handle. You can use a shovel, garden fork or even your hands to apply it to the landscape.

2.  Mulch can reduce weed growth by 50 to 85 percent. Because mulch lessens the amount of sunlight getting through to the soil, it keeps weeds from germinating. Thicker organic bark mulch works better than finer mulch at keeping weeds at bay. This also saves time, money and helps the environment by not applying chemicals to kill the weeds.

3.  Healthy soil equals healthy plants. Organic mulch adds valuable nutrients and organic matter into the soil as it decomposes. This is a significant cost savings, because you won’t have to fertilize as often.

4.  Mulch retains moisture and prevents evaporation Research shows mulch can actually retain 70% more water than soil that has not been mulched. This saves you time and money, because you won’t have to water as much. Mulch also reduces soil erosion.

5. Mulch acts as an insulator for the soil. Keeping the soil cool in the summer and warm on the cold winter nights.

It is very important to use quality mulch. Purchasing mulch from an unreliable source can cause all your hard work to go to waste. For instance, if the bag of mulch you purchased at the big box store had noxious seeds, you could be spending the rest of the season pulling weeds and trying to repair the damages instead of admiring your beautiful landscape.

Mulch is also easy on the budget if you take advantage of Reliable Peat’s mulch sale, save 10% on bulk order over 6 Yards! Contact Reliable Peat for more information.


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