If you are a homeowner here in Central Florida, you’ve probably worked with landscape mulch before. While it may seem easy enough, if not done properly, it can do more harm than good. 

Avoid these mulching mishaps for a beautiful landscape

Not mulching at all 

The number of benefits mulch offers may be surprising. Beside creating a beautiful,  uniform appearance, organic mulch adds vital nutrients to the soil, retains moisture in the soil, keeps roots cool in the summer and warm in the colder months, and reduces soil erosion.

Not using enough mulch 

Much is truly amazing, but not using enough can cause problems. It causes the weeds to push through and allows the soil to dry out. A good rule of thumb, apply a layer about two to three inches thick. 

Using too much mulch 

It is easy to think more is better, but when it comes to mulch, this simply isn’t true. Over mulching can allow the soil to become over saturated, suffocating the plant roots.

Building mulch volcanos 

When you apply mulch around a tree or plant so that it looks like a volcano can jeopardize their health. Restricting airflow to the roots and trunk, slowly suffocating them.

Not Weed before applying mulch 

Mulch reduces the need to weed, by smothering them. But you can definitely get a big head start if you remove established weeds before applying mulch. 

Applying the wrong mulch 

Unfortunately, many mulches are treated, full of chemicals, and toxins that can be harmful to your landscape and environment. To protect your yard and family, use organic mulch from a quality source.

At Reliable Peat, we are proud to offer environmentally friendly mulch. Never treated with dangerous chemicals, making it safe for plants, children, and animals. 

Purchasing mulch in bulk will save you time and money. We also deliver mulch and stones to make your landscape project easier.


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