If you’re an avid gardener or enjoy an eye catching landscape, you’ve probably bought several bags of mulch. It creates a beautiful, professional feel and the stunning contrast of colorful flowers and green leaves is unbeatable.

But aesthetics isn’t all mulch is good for, it also provides a layer of protection from the elements, insulates roots of plants, discourages weeds from growing, retains moisture in the soil, and provides valuable nutrients. 

Purchasing mulch in bags can be time consuming and expensive. That’s why so many gardeners and landscape enthusiasts are buying mulch in bulk. Not only does it save time, it also saves money!  Buying mulch in bulk also means you can see exactly how fresh the mulch is. Who knows how long the mulch has been sitting in that bag, or if it contains construction material, mold or weed spores. 

Different Types of Mulch

There are several types of mulch in the market, with different benefits and applications. The kind of mulch you choose typically depends on your project, plants, aesthetics and budget. Organic and inorganic are the most popular here in Central Florida 

Organic Mulch 

Mulch created from the bark of a tree is a very economical option. Not only is it easy to use, it is widely available so it is cost effective. It also breaks down over time, providing valuable nutrients to your plants. 

Inorganic Mulch 

Natural formations such as rocks, gravel, and stones, fall in the category of inorganic mulch. They are great for protecting roots and discouraging weeds from growing. Since they don’t break down like inorganic mulch, so you won’t need to replace them as often. Best of all, there are several colors, sizes, and textures to choose from and they look amazing! 

Mulching is key for a great looking landscape and a healthy garden. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a novice gardener, we encourage you to contact Reliable Peat for your next project.

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