There is no doubt, our summer was grueling! But it was particularly hard on our landscape and plants. Mulch is the best way to revive a tired landscape. Suppling much needed minerals and nutrients to the soil, especially carbon.

Applying mulch in early fall will not only make your property look neat and tidy, the healthy foundation will protect your plants over the winter.

There are generally two forms of mulch, Organic and Inorganic

Organic mulch, such as different types of pine bark, provides nitrogen, carbon, reduces loss of moisture, and acts as a blanket on those cold winter nights. They also protect plant roots on those freezing nights, while protecting them from the heat of the sun during the day.

Inorganic products, such as river rock, Pea rock, cedar bark rock, granite, marble chips, and crushed concrete, while they also protect plant roots, they don’t supply nutrients to the plants. But they can make your home stand out from the rest.

Stone mulch is a great option for outdoor fire pits, walkways, driveways, framing a pond, and cooking areas. Stones and rocks don’t need as much maintenance as organic mulch and can prevent erosion. They come in a variety of colors and sizes to match your landscape scheme. Rocks may take more effort to install than organic mulch because it is heavier.

The best place to purchase any type of mulch, is from a local source. Purchasing in bulk is a great way to make your next landscape project more affordable.

Our goal at Reliable Peat is to offer the highest quality products at the best price. We pride ourselves on top customer service and look forward to serving you. For a limited time we are offering 10% off all bulk orders over 6 yards.

Contact Reliable Peat for more information

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